Opinion: The leadership that money can’t buy - oregonlive.com
Is the “Pyramid of Money” Corrupting US Democracy? - LA Progressive
Former Oregon governor candidate Nick Kristof donates his remaining politic
Pamplin Media Group - Kristof gives over $1 million in political contributi
Hero Centrist Betsy Johnson Might Just Stick Oregon With A Republican Gover
Dark money group takes aim at Democratic majority in Oregon Legislature - o
Pamplin Media Group - Oregon governor's race generating tsunami of campaign
Secretary of State investigating People for Portland for possible election
People for Portland’s political action committee returns donations after ba
Poll finds bipartisan support for fixing campaign finance laws | Wednesday
Nick Begich lent his campaign $650,000. Ethics watchdogs compare the practi
Crypto industry ramps up political spending for midterms - Los Angeles Time
Crypto billionaire says he could spend a record-breaking $1 billion in 2024
The Crypto Kings Are Making Big Political Donations. What Could Go Wrong? |
A last-minute deal to restore Alaska’s campaign finance limits fell through
In Politics, Money Will Always Talk. Unless… - Inequality.org
State Law Trending Toward Increased Campaign Finance Disclosure: Wiley
Is Palo Alto ready for campaign finance reform? | News | Palo Alto Online |
Primary elections today: how crypto is impacting some of the races - Market
The Little Red Boxes Making a Mockery of Campaign Finance Laws - The New Yo
Kagan Pens Scathing Dissent as Supreme Court Kills Another Campaign Finance
Starnes makes final push as campaign closes | News | theworldlink.com
Readers respond: Endorsements ignore campaign finance - oregonlive.com
Democrats, Republicans running for Oregon governor spend furiously in final
The race to become Oregon’s next governor: Week in review - oregonlive.com
City Council Candidate AJ McCreary Paid 15-Year-Old Son $3,200 From Her Cam
Commissioner Dan Ryan, AJ McCreary make their case to voters | kgw.com
Complaint alleges dark money nonprofit supporting Republican gubernatorial
Labor unions financially backing Jessica Vega Pederson through mailer - ore
Questions remain as race for nomination to represent Oregon’s 6th District
Progressive donor puts big money into Oregon’s two contested races for dist
How to find fundraising and spending in Oregon politics – Oregon Capital Ch
Portland’s 1st contested race for auditor in decades elicits promises to el
Oregon’s new Congressional district draws a big field of candidates and big
Another record-breaking year of Oregon campaign spending could be ahead | K
Oregon awash in political ads, spending, with $11.3 million this month; see
Phil Knight gives $1 million to PAC to elect Republican Oregon lawmakers -
Nike's (NYSE: NKE) Phil Knight makes hefty political contribution to Republ
The curious case of crypto as a player in Oregon politics – Oregon Capital
What does a crypto tycoon want with Oregon’s new congressional district? -
Portland City Council race: Jo Ann Hardesty, 2 main challengers battle for
Oregon Congressional candidates rake in millions as primary nears; see who
Know Your Candidates 2022: Patrick Starnes (D), running for Oregon governor
Downtown Portland property owners, developers bankroll big money push to de
Oregon congressional candidate has attracted $6M from national PACs | elect
This super PAC is spending almost $1 million in a contentious Democratic pr
Oregon CD6 campaign finance reports reveal Carrick Flynn donors
Candidates for Governor: Patrick Starnes - OPB
Portland City Auditor Candidate Dinged for Late Campaign Finance Filings
Pamplin Media Group - Timber baron contributes against Oregon Democrats
Lt. Gov. Benjamin Resigns Following Campaign Finance Indictment - The New Y
Portland City Council races: See the ZIP codes fueling candidates’ cash - o
Letter from the Editor: We’re focused on campaign finance transparency - or
Oregon’s next governor: Week in review - oregonlive.com
Portland power brokers plan to spend up to $700K to try to defeat Commissio
Oregon governor's race attracts big money | The Story (full show) | April 5
Lawsuit challenges Alaska campaign disclosure rules | The Seattle Times
Nike Founder Phil Knight Donates $750,000 to Betsy Johnson’s Bid for Oregon
Nike co-founder Phil Knight gives $1 million to Betsy Johnson’s campaign fo
Does $14.6 million buy influence? What candidates for Oregon governor say a
Phil Knight pumps another $750,000 into independent Betsy Johnson’s guberna
Strict contribution limits slow reach of campaigns for Multnomah County cha
Oregon voters want more help from the press to learn about candidates for g
Political notes: Spring blooms with new voters and campaign dollars | News
Shine a Light – Eugene Weekly
Pamplin Media Group - Political notes: New voters and campaign dollars
See the big differences in Multnomah County chair candidates’ sources of ca
Campaign finance reform advocates ask Oregon Supreme Court for a new hearin
Oregon Supreme Court won’t clear way for voters to consider campaign financ
Oregon court decision could slash chances at campaign finance vote in 2022
Biggest Oregon political donations in 2022? They’re from timber companies,
Supreme Court Denies Election Reformers’ Request to Hear Fagan’s Disqualifi
Pamplin Media Group - Court decision may doom campaign finance vote this ye
People for Portland accused of violating Oregon election laws - oregonlive.
Starnes feeling optimistic about governor run | Elections | nrtoday.com
Federal judge upholds Colorado's campaign finance limits — for now
Judge declines to block Colorado's campaign donation limits | Courts | colo
Campaign contribution limits are a longshot after Dunleavy sides with unlim
After deceiving Alaskans for months, Dunleavy admits he wants no limits on
A politically appointed commission just vaporized Alaska’s campaign donatio
Alaska to have unlimited campaign contributions in most instances
Oregon campaign finance violations show political donations, spending often
Decision Lifts Certain Contribution Limits in Alaska | Alaska News | US New
People for Portland is spending big to change the city’s approach to homele
Oregon independent gubernatorial candidate Betsy Johnson secures big Republ
Slow legal filings could ensure Oregonians do not get to vote on campaign c
Oregon labor, business interest groups file challenges to campaign contribu
Murmurs: Cryptocurrency Billionaire Spends Big on Oregon Politics
Opinion: Why I left the House Democratic Caucus - oregonlive.com
Pamplin Media Group - Governor hopeful still sees campaign finance as key i
Measure 107 allows campaign finance limits in Oregon - OPB
Supporters ask Oregon Supreme Court to overrule Secretary of State Shemia F
Campaign finance activists challenge Secretary of State Shemia Fagan in cou
Honest Elections Oregon Takes Fight With Fagan to State Supreme Court
Editorial: Derailed campaign-finance reform measures need court’s help | eC
Readers respond: Fagan unfairly disqualifies petitions - oregonlive.com
What’s the Real Story Behind a Fight Over Campaign Finance Reform?
Editorial: Derailed campaign-finance reform measures need court’s help - or
Several Measures Made the Oregon Ballot While Failing a Standard That Offic
Oregon bill tries to revive campaign finance limits but has a big loophole
Oregon Attorney General Greenlights Campaign Money Measures in Win for Peti
Oregon Legislative Video
Rejected campaign finance ideas could have new life in Oregon Senate bill -
Three campaign finance measures blocked from Oregon ballot | kgw.com
Secretary of State Shemia Fagan Rejects Campaign Finance Initiatives
Proposed Oregon campaign finance limits could be upended by a drafting tech
No. 7 Because Portland Finally Got Big Money Out of Local Politics
Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan follows through, kills effort to set
Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan plans to kill effort to set campaign
Secretary of State Shemia Fagan Poised to Delay Campaign Finance Measures o
Judge strikes parts of heavily amended campaign finance bill
Money Is the Root – Eugene Weekly
Most money, media attention flows to few candidates, but many are running f
Scared Yet? | The New Republic
Who Is Donating in Portland City Council Elections? | Portland Monthly
Pamplin Media Group - Kristof's cash isn't tied to eligibility for governor
Campaign Donation Limits Could Be Coming to OR in 2022 / Public News Servic
Oregon voters want to limit money in politics, but lawmakers might not get
Readers respond: We need better campaign finance laws - oregonlive.com
Portland Will Have a Contested Race for City Auditor
Dark Money Group Launches Attack Ads on Democrats Running for Governor
Amazon lost the Seattle City Council elections after a $1 million power pla
Readers respond: Price of unlimited campaign donations - oregonlive.com
Editorial: 2022 brings new urgency to fix age-old problems - oregonlive.com
Here are 5 stories that shaped Oregon politics in 2021 - oregonlive.com
What Happened To Campaign Finance Reform? – Eugene Weekly
Oregon unions propose campaign finance limits that would still allow big do
Competing measures could muddy Oregon’s campaign finance debate - OPB
Oregon’s corporate-dominated campaign finance system gets Congress’ attenti
Study: Oregon 2018 campaign funding dominated by Portland-area groups
Advocates see holes in Oregon campaign finance reform legislation
Oregon good government groups file initiatives to cap campaign contribution
Good government groups are pushing campaign finance limits in Oregon. They
Coalition files ballot initiatives to reform Oregon's campaign finance laws
Board provided with update on campaign finance reform in Multnomah County |
Alaska still needs better campaign contribution disclosure
Draft Suggests Campaign Caps to Replace Those Struck Down | Alaska News | U
Election commission staff sets new campaign contribution limits of $1,500,
Pamplin Media Group - Cash dash is on for Oregon candidates for governor
Case Closed: In Oregon campaign investigations, ‘I did not’ is all it takes
Florida GOP Jacks Up Cities’ Campaign Contribution Limits – Sludge
Red State Lawmakers Preempt Campaign Finance Laws in Blue Cities | The Regu
New Georgia Campaign Finance Law Is 'Carving a Loophole' for Unlimited Fund
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott can’t enforce mask mandate ban, he argues in court |
Pamplin Media Group - Multnomah County will enforce $500 cap on campaign do
Multnomah County Judge Greenlights Voter-Approved Campaign Finance Limits
Virginia, an 'outlier' on campaign finance reform, considers new restrictio
Pamplin Media Group - Campaign finance reform proposed in Columbia County
Multnomah County judge rules campaign contribution limits constitutional -
Alaska’s campaign finance laws have been gutted - Anchorage Daily News
KUOW - Did Seattle’s Democracy Vouchers combat 'big money' in August's mayo
Zuckerberg's cash fuels GOP suspicion and new election rules
Mystery Donor Revealed: Mark Zuckerberg Backed Radical DA Candidates - Capi
Mark Zuckerberg cash discreetly leaked into far-left prosecutor races | Fox
Spending to influence Oregon’s Legislature topped $25 million this session,
Oregon taxpayers foot $100,000 bill for Gov. Kate Brown’s political consult
FirstEnergy to pay $230M in agreement in Ohio bribery case | National News
Constitutional quirks are Oregon's political potholes | Local&State | bendb
After campaign finance reform fails in Legislature, proponent considers 2nd
Money in Oregon politics as unchecked as ever – Medford News, Weather, Spor
Readers respond: Lawmakers ignore the voters’ will - oregonlive.com
Dozen Megadonors Gave $3.4 Billion, One in Every 13 Dollars, Since 2009 - T
Supreme Court Strikes Down California Donor-Disclosure Rule (1)
Concerns build over 'short-circuiting' of Seattle's fundraising rules for m
Seattle Voters Increase Use of ‘Democracy Vouchers’ in Mayoral Contest – Sl
Guest View: Standing up against the Oregon special interests
Governor Mills signs a full slate of election, campaign finance reforms int
Letter: Stop the stall | Letters | dailyastorian.com
Editorial: Legislature’s inaction makes the case for two voter initiatives
Politicians running for Oregon Legislature could reap huge taxpayer funding
Oregon lawmakers increasingly unlikely to take up campaign finance - OPB
Guest Column: Getting big money out of politics is a bipartisan issue | Opi
Here's What You Need to Know About the 2021 Oregon Legislative Session | Po
Oregon lawmakers tackle campaign finance limits after election
Other views: Restoring faith in Legislature requires rooting out conflicts
Oregon campaign finance reforms catch criticism from activists | National N
Oregon lawmakers appear unlikely to limit campaign contributions, as key pr
Pamplin Media Group - Salinas, Hardesty, Colquitt: Don’t let big money in
Money Talks – Eugene Weekly
Editorial: Campaign finance reform bill missing the ‘reform’ - oregonlive.c
Editorial: Proposed campaign donation limits only limit who holds the power
Readers respond: Support campaign finance reform - oregonlive.com
Opinion | New York’s Big Money Loophole - The New York Times
Oregon gets F grade in 2015 State Integrity Investigation – Center for Publ
Audit: Oregon ethics commission could be stronger, more independent
Audit: Oregon should boost ethics officials’ independence, anti-corruption
Big political donors get big say in Oregon political money limits - oregonl
Portland Business Alliance violated city lobbying rules 25 times, auditor f
Gov to consider unlimited PAC donations to Montana candidates | 406 Politic
House endorses repeal of PAC money limits for legislative candidates | 406
A decade after Oregon cracked down on lobbyist wining and dining, lawmakers
Oregon voters want to limit money in politics, but lawmakers might not get
Opinion | Virginia is still stuck in an ethical free-for-all when it comes
Five myths about campaign finance - The Washington Post
As special interest give Utah legislators 87% of their donations, questions
Colorado's largest cities have caps on campaign contributions now that Auro
Dark Money Floods in to State Elections, Revealing Cracks in Disclosure Law
Oregon campaign to allow limits on political contributions plows through ca
City Elections Office Fines Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Campaign for Violations - W
‘Polluted by Money’ wins national 2020 Oakes Award - oregonlive.com
City Council Candidate Loretta Smith’s Campaign Makes a Highly Unusual Cont
Big Donors and PACs Dominate Campaign Funding in Nearly Every State, Report
Nonprofit cash being spent in Colorado campaigns still impossible to trace
Portland Mayor Fined $500 for Listing Donors in Small Print | Oregon News |
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler fined $500 for listing campaign donors in tiny p
City Council Candidate Dan Ryan Returns $945 in Donations - Willamette Week
City Council campaign spending breaks records, $200K in donations
Political Committee Supporting Sam Adams Hit With Election Complaint - Blog
Campaign Finance Watchdogs Call Out Committee Backing Sam Adams for Nondisc
Secretary of State candidate focuses on campaign finance reform | kgw.com
Gov. Kate Brown quietly takes lead role on Oregon campaign finance measure
Campaign Finance Reformers Sue Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Reelection Campaign Over
No limits on campaign contributions in Oregon despite Supreme Court ruling
Judge: Wheeler can spend donations in excess of $ 500 more - The Media Hell
Judge: Mayor can keep spending large campaign contributions | KOIN.com
Judge: Wheeler can spend donations over new $500 limit | KOIN.com
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler can keep spending mega campaign contributions, j
Campaign Finance Limits Lose Twice In Oregon . News | OPB
Pamplin Media Group - Judge: Wheeler can spend donations over new $500 limi
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler campaign sued by primary rival Sarah Iannarone,
Ruling upends campaign finance rules | Mail Tribune
Portland to begin enforcing $500 campaign donation limit next week, but it
Editorial: Disclosure may be the best disinfectant Oregon has for campaign
Pamplin Media Group - Wheeler promises to comply with campaign contribution
Campaign Donation Fight Renewed, Oregon Court Says Limits are Legal - The C
Portland Mayor's Reelection Campaign To Limit Future Donations After Court
A new era in campaign finance: Oregon Supreme Court OKs contribution limits
Oregon Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Campaign Contribution Limits . News
Oregon Supreme Court: Campaign contribution limits legal | KOIN.com
Oregon Supreme Court rules campaign contribution limits are legal in Oregon
Pamplin Media Group - Oregon Supreme Court rules in favor of campaign contr
Oregon Supreme Court Upholds Multnomah County Campaign Finance Limits - Blo
Portland City Elections Officer Issues Unusual Rebuke of Mayor Ted Wheeler
Nursing homes showered cash on Oregon political candidates. Now they face q
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler violated campaign finance disclosure rules, city
Mayor Wheeler Hit With Three Campaign Violations - Blogtown - Portland Merc
City Elections Office Finds Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Re-Election Campaign in Vio
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Fails To Reveal Big Donors In Campaign Ads, Comp
Here's our Oregon secretary of state race candidate rundown
Opinion: Even with walkout, a bill to undermine campaign finance reform pro
Oregon lawmakers air plan to reshape 2006 campaign donation limits
Portland man files court appeal seeking campaign finance fines against Mayo
Is the “Pyramid of Money” Corrupting US Democracy? - LA Progressive
Former Oregon governor candidate Nick Kristof donates his remaining politic
Pamplin Media Group - Kristof gives over $1 million in political contributi
Hero Centrist Betsy Johnson Might Just Stick Oregon With A Republican Gover
Dark money group takes aim at Democratic majority in Oregon Legislature - o
Pamplin Media Group - Oregon governor's race generating tsunami of campaign
Secretary of State investigating People for Portland for possible election
People for Portland’s political action committee returns donations after ba
Poll finds bipartisan support for fixing campaign finance laws | Wednesday
Nick Begich lent his campaign $650,000. Ethics watchdogs compare the practi
Crypto industry ramps up political spending for midterms - Los Angeles Time
Crypto billionaire says he could spend a record-breaking $1 billion in 2024
The Crypto Kings Are Making Big Political Donations. What Could Go Wrong? |
A last-minute deal to restore Alaska’s campaign finance limits fell through
In Politics, Money Will Always Talk. Unless… - Inequality.org
State Law Trending Toward Increased Campaign Finance Disclosure: Wiley
Is Palo Alto ready for campaign finance reform? | News | Palo Alto Online |
Primary elections today: how crypto is impacting some of the races - Market
The Little Red Boxes Making a Mockery of Campaign Finance Laws - The New Yo
Kagan Pens Scathing Dissent as Supreme Court Kills Another Campaign Finance
Starnes makes final push as campaign closes | News | theworldlink.com
Readers respond: Endorsements ignore campaign finance - oregonlive.com
Democrats, Republicans running for Oregon governor spend furiously in final
The race to become Oregon’s next governor: Week in review - oregonlive.com
City Council Candidate AJ McCreary Paid 15-Year-Old Son $3,200 From Her Cam
Commissioner Dan Ryan, AJ McCreary make their case to voters | kgw.com
Complaint alleges dark money nonprofit supporting Republican gubernatorial
Labor unions financially backing Jessica Vega Pederson through mailer - ore
Questions remain as race for nomination to represent Oregon’s 6th District
Progressive donor puts big money into Oregon’s two contested races for dist
How to find fundraising and spending in Oregon politics – Oregon Capital Ch
Portland’s 1st contested race for auditor in decades elicits promises to el
Oregon’s new Congressional district draws a big field of candidates and big
Another record-breaking year of Oregon campaign spending could be ahead | K
Oregon awash in political ads, spending, with $11.3 million this month; see
Phil Knight gives $1 million to PAC to elect Republican Oregon lawmakers -
Nike's (NYSE: NKE) Phil Knight makes hefty political contribution to Republ
The curious case of crypto as a player in Oregon politics – Oregon Capital
What does a crypto tycoon want with Oregon’s new congressional district? -
Portland City Council race: Jo Ann Hardesty, 2 main challengers battle for
Oregon Congressional candidates rake in millions as primary nears; see who
Know Your Candidates 2022: Patrick Starnes (D), running for Oregon governor
Downtown Portland property owners, developers bankroll big money push to de
Oregon congressional candidate has attracted $6M from national PACs | elect
This super PAC is spending almost $1 million in a contentious Democratic pr
Oregon CD6 campaign finance reports reveal Carrick Flynn donors
Candidates for Governor: Patrick Starnes - OPB
Portland City Auditor Candidate Dinged for Late Campaign Finance Filings
Pamplin Media Group - Timber baron contributes against Oregon Democrats
Lt. Gov. Benjamin Resigns Following Campaign Finance Indictment - The New Y
Portland City Council races: See the ZIP codes fueling candidates’ cash - o
Letter from the Editor: We’re focused on campaign finance transparency - or
Oregon’s next governor: Week in review - oregonlive.com
Portland power brokers plan to spend up to $700K to try to defeat Commissio
Oregon governor's race attracts big money | The Story (full show) | April 5
Lawsuit challenges Alaska campaign disclosure rules | The Seattle Times
Nike Founder Phil Knight Donates $750,000 to Betsy Johnson’s Bid for Oregon
Nike co-founder Phil Knight gives $1 million to Betsy Johnson’s campaign fo
Does $14.6 million buy influence? What candidates for Oregon governor say a
Phil Knight pumps another $750,000 into independent Betsy Johnson’s guberna
Strict contribution limits slow reach of campaigns for Multnomah County cha
Oregon voters want more help from the press to learn about candidates for g
Political notes: Spring blooms with new voters and campaign dollars | News
Shine a Light – Eugene Weekly
Pamplin Media Group - Political notes: New voters and campaign dollars
See the big differences in Multnomah County chair candidates’ sources of ca
Campaign finance reform advocates ask Oregon Supreme Court for a new hearin
Oregon Supreme Court won’t clear way for voters to consider campaign financ
Oregon court decision could slash chances at campaign finance vote in 2022
Biggest Oregon political donations in 2022? They’re from timber companies,
Supreme Court Denies Election Reformers’ Request to Hear Fagan’s Disqualifi
Pamplin Media Group - Court decision may doom campaign finance vote this ye
People for Portland accused of violating Oregon election laws - oregonlive.
Starnes feeling optimistic about governor run | Elections | nrtoday.com
Federal judge upholds Colorado's campaign finance limits — for now
Judge declines to block Colorado's campaign donation limits | Courts | colo
Campaign contribution limits are a longshot after Dunleavy sides with unlim
After deceiving Alaskans for months, Dunleavy admits he wants no limits on
A politically appointed commission just vaporized Alaska’s campaign donatio
Alaska to have unlimited campaign contributions in most instances
Oregon campaign finance violations show political donations, spending often
Decision Lifts Certain Contribution Limits in Alaska | Alaska News | US New
People for Portland is spending big to change the city’s approach to homele
Oregon independent gubernatorial candidate Betsy Johnson secures big Republ
Slow legal filings could ensure Oregonians do not get to vote on campaign c
Oregon labor, business interest groups file challenges to campaign contribu
Murmurs: Cryptocurrency Billionaire Spends Big on Oregon Politics
Opinion: Why I left the House Democratic Caucus - oregonlive.com
Pamplin Media Group - Governor hopeful still sees campaign finance as key i
Measure 107 allows campaign finance limits in Oregon - OPB
Supporters ask Oregon Supreme Court to overrule Secretary of State Shemia F
Campaign finance activists challenge Secretary of State Shemia Fagan in cou
Honest Elections Oregon Takes Fight With Fagan to State Supreme Court
Editorial: Derailed campaign-finance reform measures need court’s help | eC
Readers respond: Fagan unfairly disqualifies petitions - oregonlive.com
What’s the Real Story Behind a Fight Over Campaign Finance Reform?
Editorial: Derailed campaign-finance reform measures need court’s help - or
Several Measures Made the Oregon Ballot While Failing a Standard That Offic
Oregon bill tries to revive campaign finance limits but has a big loophole
Oregon Attorney General Greenlights Campaign Money Measures in Win for Peti
Oregon Legislative Video
Rejected campaign finance ideas could have new life in Oregon Senate bill -
Three campaign finance measures blocked from Oregon ballot | kgw.com
Secretary of State Shemia Fagan Rejects Campaign Finance Initiatives
Proposed Oregon campaign finance limits could be upended by a drafting tech
No. 7 Because Portland Finally Got Big Money Out of Local Politics
Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan follows through, kills effort to set
Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan plans to kill effort to set campaign
Secretary of State Shemia Fagan Poised to Delay Campaign Finance Measures o
Judge strikes parts of heavily amended campaign finance bill
Money Is the Root – Eugene Weekly
Most money, media attention flows to few candidates, but many are running f
Scared Yet? | The New Republic
Who Is Donating in Portland City Council Elections? | Portland Monthly
Pamplin Media Group - Kristof's cash isn't tied to eligibility for governor
Campaign Donation Limits Could Be Coming to OR in 2022 / Public News Servic
Oregon voters want to limit money in politics, but lawmakers might not get
Readers respond: We need better campaign finance laws - oregonlive.com
Portland Will Have a Contested Race for City Auditor
Dark Money Group Launches Attack Ads on Democrats Running for Governor
Amazon lost the Seattle City Council elections after a $1 million power pla
Readers respond: Price of unlimited campaign donations - oregonlive.com
Editorial: 2022 brings new urgency to fix age-old problems - oregonlive.com
Here are 5 stories that shaped Oregon politics in 2021 - oregonlive.com
What Happened To Campaign Finance Reform? – Eugene Weekly
Oregon unions propose campaign finance limits that would still allow big do
Competing measures could muddy Oregon’s campaign finance debate - OPB
Oregon’s corporate-dominated campaign finance system gets Congress’ attenti
Study: Oregon 2018 campaign funding dominated by Portland-area groups
Advocates see holes in Oregon campaign finance reform legislation
Oregon good government groups file initiatives to cap campaign contribution
Good government groups are pushing campaign finance limits in Oregon. They
Coalition files ballot initiatives to reform Oregon's campaign finance laws
Board provided with update on campaign finance reform in Multnomah County |
Alaska still needs better campaign contribution disclosure
Draft Suggests Campaign Caps to Replace Those Struck Down | Alaska News | U
Election commission staff sets new campaign contribution limits of $1,500,
Pamplin Media Group - Cash dash is on for Oregon candidates for governor
Case Closed: In Oregon campaign investigations, ‘I did not’ is all it takes
Florida GOP Jacks Up Cities’ Campaign Contribution Limits – Sludge
Red State Lawmakers Preempt Campaign Finance Laws in Blue Cities | The Regu
New Georgia Campaign Finance Law Is 'Carving a Loophole' for Unlimited Fund
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott can’t enforce mask mandate ban, he argues in court |
Pamplin Media Group - Multnomah County will enforce $500 cap on campaign do
Multnomah County Judge Greenlights Voter-Approved Campaign Finance Limits
Virginia, an 'outlier' on campaign finance reform, considers new restrictio
Pamplin Media Group - Campaign finance reform proposed in Columbia County
Multnomah County judge rules campaign contribution limits constitutional -
Alaska’s campaign finance laws have been gutted - Anchorage Daily News
KUOW - Did Seattle’s Democracy Vouchers combat 'big money' in August's mayo
Zuckerberg's cash fuels GOP suspicion and new election rules
Mystery Donor Revealed: Mark Zuckerberg Backed Radical DA Candidates - Capi
Mark Zuckerberg cash discreetly leaked into far-left prosecutor races | Fox
Spending to influence Oregon’s Legislature topped $25 million this session,
Oregon taxpayers foot $100,000 bill for Gov. Kate Brown’s political consult
FirstEnergy to pay $230M in agreement in Ohio bribery case | National News
Constitutional quirks are Oregon's political potholes | Local&State | bendb
After campaign finance reform fails in Legislature, proponent considers 2nd
Money in Oregon politics as unchecked as ever – Medford News, Weather, Spor
Readers respond: Lawmakers ignore the voters’ will - oregonlive.com
Dozen Megadonors Gave $3.4 Billion, One in Every 13 Dollars, Since 2009 - T
Supreme Court Strikes Down California Donor-Disclosure Rule (1)
Concerns build over 'short-circuiting' of Seattle's fundraising rules for m
Seattle Voters Increase Use of ‘Democracy Vouchers’ in Mayoral Contest – Sl
Guest View: Standing up against the Oregon special interests
Governor Mills signs a full slate of election, campaign finance reforms int
Letter: Stop the stall | Letters | dailyastorian.com
Editorial: Legislature’s inaction makes the case for two voter initiatives
Politicians running for Oregon Legislature could reap huge taxpayer funding
Oregon lawmakers increasingly unlikely to take up campaign finance - OPB
Guest Column: Getting big money out of politics is a bipartisan issue | Opi
Here's What You Need to Know About the 2021 Oregon Legislative Session | Po
Oregon lawmakers tackle campaign finance limits after election
Other views: Restoring faith in Legislature requires rooting out conflicts
Oregon campaign finance reforms catch criticism from activists | National N
Oregon lawmakers appear unlikely to limit campaign contributions, as key pr
Pamplin Media Group - Salinas, Hardesty, Colquitt: Don’t let big money in
Money Talks – Eugene Weekly
Editorial: Campaign finance reform bill missing the ‘reform’ - oregonlive.c
Editorial: Proposed campaign donation limits only limit who holds the power
Readers respond: Support campaign finance reform - oregonlive.com
Opinion | New York’s Big Money Loophole - The New York Times
Oregon gets F grade in 2015 State Integrity Investigation – Center for Publ
Audit: Oregon ethics commission could be stronger, more independent
Audit: Oregon should boost ethics officials’ independence, anti-corruption
Big political donors get big say in Oregon political money limits - oregonl
Portland Business Alliance violated city lobbying rules 25 times, auditor f
Gov to consider unlimited PAC donations to Montana candidates | 406 Politic
House endorses repeal of PAC money limits for legislative candidates | 406
A decade after Oregon cracked down on lobbyist wining and dining, lawmakers
Oregon voters want to limit money in politics, but lawmakers might not get
Opinion | Virginia is still stuck in an ethical free-for-all when it comes
Five myths about campaign finance - The Washington Post
As special interest give Utah legislators 87% of their donations, questions
Colorado's largest cities have caps on campaign contributions now that Auro
Dark Money Floods in to State Elections, Revealing Cracks in Disclosure Law
Oregon campaign to allow limits on political contributions plows through ca
City Elections Office Fines Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Campaign for Violations - W
‘Polluted by Money’ wins national 2020 Oakes Award - oregonlive.com
City Council Candidate Loretta Smith’s Campaign Makes a Highly Unusual Cont
Big Donors and PACs Dominate Campaign Funding in Nearly Every State, Report
Nonprofit cash being spent in Colorado campaigns still impossible to trace
Portland Mayor Fined $500 for Listing Donors in Small Print | Oregon News |
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler fined $500 for listing campaign donors in tiny p
City Council Candidate Dan Ryan Returns $945 in Donations - Willamette Week
City Council campaign spending breaks records, $200K in donations
Political Committee Supporting Sam Adams Hit With Election Complaint - Blog
Campaign Finance Watchdogs Call Out Committee Backing Sam Adams for Nondisc
Secretary of State candidate focuses on campaign finance reform | kgw.com
Gov. Kate Brown quietly takes lead role on Oregon campaign finance measure
Campaign Finance Reformers Sue Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Reelection Campaign Over
No limits on campaign contributions in Oregon despite Supreme Court ruling
Judge: Wheeler can spend donations in excess of $ 500 more - The Media Hell
Judge: Mayor can keep spending large campaign contributions | KOIN.com
Judge: Wheeler can spend donations over new $500 limit | KOIN.com
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler can keep spending mega campaign contributions, j
Campaign Finance Limits Lose Twice In Oregon . News | OPB
Pamplin Media Group - Judge: Wheeler can spend donations over new $500 limi
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler campaign sued by primary rival Sarah Iannarone,
Ruling upends campaign finance rules | Mail Tribune
Portland to begin enforcing $500 campaign donation limit next week, but it
Editorial: Disclosure may be the best disinfectant Oregon has for campaign
Pamplin Media Group - Wheeler promises to comply with campaign contribution
Campaign Donation Fight Renewed, Oregon Court Says Limits are Legal - The C
Portland Mayor's Reelection Campaign To Limit Future Donations After Court
A new era in campaign finance: Oregon Supreme Court OKs contribution limits
Oregon Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Campaign Contribution Limits . News
Oregon Supreme Court: Campaign contribution limits legal | KOIN.com
Oregon Supreme Court rules campaign contribution limits are legal in Oregon
Pamplin Media Group - Oregon Supreme Court rules in favor of campaign contr
Oregon Supreme Court Upholds Multnomah County Campaign Finance Limits - Blo
Portland City Elections Officer Issues Unusual Rebuke of Mayor Ted Wheeler
Nursing homes showered cash on Oregon political candidates. Now they face q
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler violated campaign finance disclosure rules, city
Mayor Wheeler Hit With Three Campaign Violations - Blogtown - Portland Merc
City Elections Office Finds Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Re-Election Campaign in Vio
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Fails To Reveal Big Donors In Campaign Ads, Comp
Here's our Oregon secretary of state race candidate rundown
Opinion: Even with walkout, a bill to undermine campaign finance reform pro
Oregon lawmakers air plan to reshape 2006 campaign donation limits
Portland man files court appeal seeking campaign finance fines against Mayo