Lawnsign Collection Points
If you still have your lawnsign, we will appreciate getting it back (at least the frame). You can drop them there:
Jim Robison/Ellen Ino
5769 N Vancouver Avenue
Moses Ross
2917 SW Canby Court
Kafoury McDougal Law Firm
411 SW 2nd Avenue, Second Floor
Portland (downtown)
Bernie PDX
5040 SE Milwaukie Avenue
If you still have your lawnsign, we will appreciate getting it back (at least the frame). You can drop them there:
Jim Robison/Ellen Ino
5769 N Vancouver Avenue
- drop in front of garage door
Moses Ross
2917 SW Canby Court
Kafoury McDougal Law Firm
411 SW 2nd Avenue, Second Floor
Portland (downtown)
- during regular business hours (8:30 am - 5:30 pm)
Bernie PDX
5040 SE Milwaukie Avenue
- lean the lawnsigns against the building